"Cupid and Psyche" compared to "The Frog Prince"

The Greek myth, “Cupid and Psyche,” is a story about a beautiful girl, named Psyche, who makes Venus jealous. Once Venus sent her son, Cupid, down to punish Psyche, he ended up falling in love with her. Venus then cursed Psyche by never allowing anyone to fall in love with her. After her parents learn that she is destined to marry a monster they leave her on top of a mountain where she is then carried away to a beautiful castle that is all hers and she meets her husband but is told she can never see him. One night she snuck into his room and found that it was cupid. So was so taken back how handsome he was that she dropped the candle and burned his skin. Cupid got so angry that he flew away. The castle disappeared, leaving Psyche to wander in sadness. She finally presents herself to Venus, who then gives her two tasks and with the help of other gods, she successfully completes them. For the final task, Venus sends Psyche to the underworld to get Persephone’s beauty box. When she does ...