Hansel and Gretel

In 1987, MGM released a movie titled “Hansel and Gretel,” which is based on the Brothers Grimm story. The movie has the same plot, with differences that make it more entertaining for the watching audience. At the beginning of the movie, the father and two children are seen at the market and the father is having an argument with the baker about how much money the baker gave him. When they went home the wife became very upset with the husband for the lack of money he had brought home and told him the next day he was to go back and get more. The next day the father had left to get more money and children were doing their chores. A neighbor had come up to their house and given them leftover eggs and milk. The mom was so overjoyed that she made custard and went to pick berries to put on top. At that time, Hansel had been feeding the donkey but left the gate open and the donkey got loose, went into the house, and ate the custard. When the mom came back she got so upset that she sent the children to go get the berries. Once they were in the woods, they got lost and stumbled upon a house made out of gingerbread and candy. The old lady invited them inside and fed them lots of food. At night, Gretel woke up to a noise and when she went to go find out what it was she saw that the old lady actually a witch. The witch locked up Hansel and put Gretel under a spell to be her slave. Right before the witch cooked Hansel, Gretel took the witch’s staff and switched the witch with Hansel and cooked the witch. Hansel and Gretel walked away with treasure and when they got back home they’re parents were extremely happy to see them.
I think the directors made the changes to the movie to make it more appealing to the audience. Having an angry mother that sent her kids into the woods could be seen as more relatable than a stepmother who purposely left her children in the woods to be eaten. Having a house made of gingerbread can be seen as more appealing to children rather than a house made out of bread.
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