What I Have Learned

This semester I have learned so much from this class. From the Brothers Grimm’s lives, to what the key components to a fairy tale, to the meaning behind different fairy tales. The Brothers Grimm had a great work ethic and always wanted to do their best. They excelled in school despite the many hardships they experienced. Fairytales have many key components to them, but the most important is magic. Magic is what separates a fairy tale from a legend and myth. When we read a fairy tale we don't ask questions such as; “why is the wolf talking,” we just go along with it. It is usually through the use of magic, like a True Love’s Kiss, that the princess is saved. My favorite fairy tale from this semester is “Rapunzel.” I thought it was very interesting reading the Grimm Brothers’ version of the story since I have never actually heard it. I also thought it was interesting to see how Disney twisted the story. The Disney version does not really follow th...