Rapunzel Cartoon

At first glance at this cartoon, it could be seen that it's just a funny joke but in reality, it describes the unrealistic views of not only princess but also women. Women are expected to keep themselves looking presentable. They are expected to keep their hair nice and their legs shave with consideration to what is going on in their lives. The Disney version of “Rapunzel,” titled Tangled , shows Rapunzel with gorgeous long blonde hair, and for someone who is locked in a tower, it looks like they have their life together. This shows young girls that they should always look nice and have their life together when that's not the case. It shows that even in your worst-case scenario you should still look put together. While sometimes it is nice to do your hair and get dressed up while you're going through a rough time might help build confidence, it is also ok not to look presentable and let yourself go through the bad times. By using the theme of this comic strip, we ca...